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140 articles found for "brain"
Burnout Symptoms
Applied Psychology

Are you suffering from burnout?

Left unchecked, burnout can wreak havoc on your health, happiness, relationships and job performance. Here’s how to recognise – and avoid – it.

Academic stress
Management & Leadership

How to deal with exam stress, according to a psychologist

While school counsellors and teachers are working overtime to cope with the emotional demands triggered by exams, parents have, perhaps, the biggest role...

Why study psychology
Applied Psychology

The life-changing rewards of studying psychology

From communication and critical thinking skills to a deeper understanding of people, studying psychology offers rewards that can positively change your life.

Teen Drug Abuse
Management & Leadership

How to talk to your kids about substance abuse

We give practical advice to parents on how to speak candidly about substance abuse to your children.

What does a psychologist do
Applied Psychology

What does a psychologist really do?

Many wonder how it is even possible to study such a seemingly abstract and sophisticated subject as the mind. Psychology is the answer

Childhood Trauma
Applied Psychology

How childhood trauma can have a life-long impact on your health

Research shows that children who experience high levels of trauma are at triple the risk of developing heart disease and lung cancer when...

Academic Stress
Management & Leadership

Five ways for students to get a handle on stress

Are you a stressed-out student? Try repeating these anxiety-busting mantras when the pressure picks up.

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