140 articles found for "brain"

Science Shows How a Trip to the Beach Changes Your Brain
Psychologists say time spent at the seaside does the mind (and body) good. Here’s how to best reap the benefits of all that...

Rewiring Your Brain for Happiness
Is training your brain to be happy like attempting to teach an old dog new tricks? Is it even possible to train something...

Studying later in life boosts your brain and keeps you young, says this SACAP...
You can’t teach old dogs new tricks, right? Uh-uh, not true! The antediluvian adage, which dates back to 1523, appears to be unfounded...

Dopamine and your brain: How does it work?
Dopamine may activate our reward systems, but it can also hijack the brain, permanently altering its hardwiring. How does this feel-good hormone work?

Jumping to conclusions: How your brain plays tricks on you
Heuristics, or shortcuts that our minds naturally take so we can make split-second decisions, are helpful in many situations as they allow people...

Sleep Hygiene for Studying – How Tossing and Turning Impacts Learning
This scene is all too familiar for many students: the clock ticks into the late hours while they pore over textbooks, a steaming...

What is Child Psychology?
Children have historically been regarded as mini-adults – to the extent that in the past they have been dressed the same as adults...