Sleep Hygiene for Studying – How Tossing and Turning Impacts Learning
This scene is all too familiar for many students: the clock ticks into the late hours while they pore over textbooks, a steaming...
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The surprising psychological power of awe
Actively seek out situations that leave you filled with awe. You’ll have more fun and benefit psychologically while doing it!
What is high functioning anxiety and is it real?
Although it isn’t an official diagnosis, high functioning anxiety is real and has a negative impact on one’s health and interpersonal relationships.
Expert advice for parenting a child with ADHD
Parenting in general is hard. Parenting a child with ADHD can feel completely overwhelming. The implementation of a few techniques however can assist...
How to deal with sibling rivalry between your kids
Registered social worker Pauline Sevitz discusses the roots of sibling rivalry, and how parents can use their experiences with their own siblings to...
Could you be dating a narcissist? These are the signs
Dating a narcissist can have serious implications on your self-worth. Here are five ways to determine if your partner is a little too...