23 articles
What our graduates say about SACAP – Bonolo Manoto
We caught up with Bonolo Manoto, 24, from Rustenburg in North West Province. She is a SACAP graduate with a Bachelor of Applied...
Understanding Neuropsychology and the Role of Neuropsychologists
Explore the fascinating field of neuropsychology, the work of neuropsychologists, and the pathways to a rewarding career in brain science. “If the human...
What is Work Integrated Learning?
Having the right qualifications is one step towards preparing for a career. Another important step is properly preparing for employment before graduating. Thus,...
How to Tell Your Parents You’re Changing to a Psychology Degree
You've decided psychology is your true calling, but your parents don't share your convictions? To help you through this potentially messy conversation, follow...
What is a Registered Counsellor?
Registered Counsellors are psychological professionals who are registered with the Health Professional Council of South Africa (HPCSA). They are qualified individuals who aim...