SACAP’s Well-rounded Qualification Is Broadening Career Opportunities
Alumni Blogs

SACAP’s well-rounded qualification is broadening this student’s career opportunities

Apr 03, 2020 | By Vanessa Dace
Reading time: 3 min
SACAP’s well-rounded qualification is broadening this student’s career opportunities
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Lusanda Mahlangu, 21, has a lot to look forward to. Having completed her Diploma in Counselling and Communication Skills at SACAP’s Johannesburg campus last year, she’s currently working towards her Bachelor of Social Science (BAppSocSci). “The Diploma was a dip in the water and now the Degree is me diving in,” she explains.

Making a splash

Inspired by local women entrepreneurs like Mahikeng-born Bonang Matheba, Lusanda has set her career sights on becoming a property mogul as well as a Counselling Psychologist and says her vision is to build a company for young counsellors one day.

She believes studying psychology is incredibly valuable. “Once you understand human behaviour and why people do the things they do, you open up a whole new portal and you begin seeing the world differently,” she says.

Lusanda is confident her psychology training will help her in her future entrepreneurial endeavours. “I now understand behaviour on a different level, which has boosted my self-esteem,” she explains. After she graduates from SACAP she knows it will fortify her role as a counsellor, too. “Shifting perspectives is a gift you can give the world, one hour at a time.”

Infinite possibilities

Choosing to enrol at SACAP was an obvious choice for Lusanda. “The idea of being surrounded by like-minded people excited me,” she recalls. “My Diploma experience really confirmed my initial thoughts that the college is very person-centred and psychology focused.”

The limitless scope of SACAP’s Diploma in Counselling and Communication Skills programme combines robust training modules with lots of applied skills, which is something Lusanda says she really appreciates. “The Work Integrated Learning component of the course, for example, makes it a very comprehensive vocational qualification because it offers practical, work-ready experiences – communication, self awareness and group work skills, to name just a few.” These are vital to harness when entering the big wide world of work. Lusanda is resolute: “The advanced mind set I bagged from SACAP’s Work Integrated Learning programme no money can buy!”

Real life rewards

Lusanda feels her Diploma has helped her grow on a personal and professional level. “It enabled me to work as a Psychosocial Support Worker at SACAP last year and as Student Liaison at The Psychology Society of South Africa for two years running,” she says.

SACAP’s Diploma in Counselling and Communication Skills is professionally endorsed by The South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) and recognised by The Association for Supportive Counsellors and Holistic Practitioners (ASCHP). It offers skills in a wide variety of specific areas such as addiction counselling, working with children and adolescents, sports psychology, family work and relationships, as well as sexuality and HIV counselling.

The good news is that even as the country remains in lockdown in the face of Covid-19 you can still foster your career dreams digitally. SACAP has migrated all classes onto its Online Campus replete with experienced virtual classroom educators and comprehensive study programmes in order to minimise disruption to teaching and learning.

Applications for SACAP’s Diploma in Counselling and Communication Skills are now open and will close on the 31st of May 2020. In these uncertain times finding ways to secure your future is crucial. What are you waiting for? Apply here today.

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