Raymond’s goal is clear. He wants to become a psychologist and work in private practice. But he is quick to point out that private practice doesn’t have to be synonymous with inaccessible ivory towers.
“If I’m not earning then I won’t be able to help anyone. I think being in private practice will put me in a good position to be able to assist those that can’t currently access the necessary support they need. I don’t see private practice and volunteer work as being mutually exclusive.”
But future plans aside, what inspired Raymond to get into the field of psychology in the first place? “My interest in the field stems from my childhood experiences. Let’s just say there were family dynamics – divorces and drama. Perhaps this is why I have a special interest in working with adolescents and helping them address issues around self-esteem.”
Like his peers though, Raymond quickly realized that in order to be able to guide others, he really had to get to know himself first. It’s an aspect of learning that SACAP really emphasizes in all their courses.
Raymond picks up the thread, “The SACAP environment really encourages you to strive to be your personal best. I enjoy the diversity of ages and how each student brings something different to the table. SACAP also creates a strong base for students. It gets us into the community and into the field so we get real-time experience. It really is a powerful blend of theory in the classroom, which is then put into practice in the community.”