A Degree In Psychology Is Paving The Way For This Ambitious Young Student -
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A degree in psychology is paving the way for this ambitious young student

Apr 24, 2020 | By Vanessa Dace
Reading time: 3 min
A degree in psychology is paving the way for this ambitious young student
Mobile Curve
Mobile Curve

Iviwe Mati, 22, is a Digital Customer Care Consultant at Multichoice in Johannesburg. Her role is very client focused and relies heavily on her ability to engage effectively with others and resolve problems. “I love assisting customers because I’m able to practice many of the skills my degree in psychology has taught me,” she says.

Empathy, effective communication and conflict resolution are just a handful of the competencies Iviwe feels she’s mastered thanks to her Bachelor in Applied Social Science (BAppSocSci) from SACAP. “It’s provided me with the necessary skills and training to not only deal with customers, but to also thrive in a team.”

Growing for gold

While Iviwe says she thoroughly enjoys her current position as Customer Care Consultant, she views it as a stepping-stone on her journey towards fulfilling her dream job, which is to become a Clinical Psychologist. The lessons garnered from her current work experience will be relevant to her ultimate career goals, she believes.

After completing her undergraduate degree at SACAP Iviwe went on to do her Honours at Nelson Mandela University in Port Elizabeth. “I planned to study for my Masters in Clinical Psychology thereafter, but the feedback I received from most of my interviews was that I lacked real-life experience,” she says. Iviwe decided to explore other avenues. “I’ve learnt that having a qualification in psychology enables you to go into various different environments and prosper.”

“My BAppSocSci qualification has equipped me with a deeper understanding of myself,” she explains. It’s also engendered a greater empathy towards others. “The critical thinking skills that I gained through SACAP stimulated my yearning for compassion, knowledge and growth.”

From strength to strength

“Self-doubt in my ability to succeed, especially when embarking on something new, had become a recurring fear for me,” Iviwe concedes. “Studying psychology has helped me identify these misgivings and given me the tools to overcome them.”

The degree has enriched Iviwe’s life in other ways, too. “From the thought-provoking theory to my fantastic Work Integrated Learning experience, I have gained confidence, a deeper self-awareness and better communication skills – and that’s just the tip of the iceberg!” she exclaims. Self-reflection and the ability to assess the way she behaves in different environments are also outcomes that she values highly. “I have become more observant and have opened up so much more to those around me,” she says.  

Iviwe is in the process of becoming a full-time volunteer at Ububele, a centre that promotes mental wellbeing and development in children under the age of seven. “My degree definitely influenced my decision to become a volunteer,” she says. “I think it helps facilitate the necessary open-mindedness and flexibility required for volunteer work.”

Future forward

As Iviwe cultivates her real-life experiences and develops her skills, her goal of becoming a Clinical Psychologist shimmies closer. “I’d love to branch out into neuropsychology and have my own practice, but still remain rooted in the community, collaborating with other health professionals on a regular basis and learning. Constantly learning.”

What are your ultimate career goals? If you’re curious about studying psychology but unsure what job opportunities it’ll unfold for you, get in touch. SACAP’s BAppSocSci is one of the most highly regarded social science qualifications in the country. It provides an excellent foundation that allows you to progress into many different qualifications or career pathways and develops robust theoretical and methodological thinking.

Applications for SACAP’s Bachelor of Applied Social Science are now open and will close on the 31st of May 2020. The good news? In the face of a possible Covid-19 lockdown extension SACAP has put online measures in place so you can start your studies in the virtual classroom and continue them on campus later.

SACAP will provide a portable router, plus 10G of data to assist with your online learning data costs. What’s not to love? C’mon! There’s never been a better opportunity to get growing on your career dreams. Apply here today.

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