Why You Need A Life Coach (and Didn’t Even Know It) – SACAP
Management & Leadership

Why you need a life coach (and didn’t even know it)

Nov 01, 2017
Reading time: 4 min
Benefits of Coaching
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Five reasons why you’d probably not even considered hiring a personal coach, and how doing so can give you the greatest asset you have in your life.

Key takeaways

  • A life coach can have a positive impact on your life, no matter how well it seems to be going.
  • A good coach will help you clear blocks and reach new levels of personal commitment and growth.
  • Coaching will inspire you to step out of your comfort zone, challenging you to make changes where they’re needed most.
  • Life coaching will even help you develop better relationships with your loved ones.

Just because your life isn’t falling apart at the seams doesn’t mean you won’t benefit from the services of a personal coach. In fact, many people think that simply getting things done, being “busy”, means that they are living their lives to the fullest. But, a coach can have a positive impact on your life, no matter how well it seems to be going, and in several different ways. Life coaches take on many roles in order to help you achieve success in all chapters of your life and in all facets of your being. This professional can push you beyond measure in your personal, professional, and even spiritual life.

Here are five reasons why you’d probably not even considered hiring a life coach, and how doing so can give you the greatest asset you have:

1. You know what you want – but you’re just not getting there

You’re clear about where you want to be, but you continue to make self-destructive decisions that keep you tied to your bad habits. You lack the true commitment to really making your dreams a reality and you don’t know how to get on the right track. In the words of entrepreneur, teacher and bestselling author John Assaraf, “When you’re interested, you do what’s convenient; when you’re committed, you do whatever it takes.” A good coach will help you clear blocks and reach levels of personal commitment and growth you’ve never before accessed within yourself.

2. You’re comfortable – maybe too comfortable

You have your routine, your comfort zone. It starts here and it ends there. Any variation of it and you squirm. It might be one part of your life, or it might be all parts of your life. And yes, life should be comfortable, but are you having fun? And some kind of excitement? Coaching will invite you, hold your hand and encourage you to step out of your comfort zone, challenging you to make the changes required to bring a new kind of magic into your life.

3. You have great relationships – they should stay that way

According to American coach Prema Srinivasan, the number one reason to hire a life coach is to develop a better relationship with your loved ones. As she tells Huffington Post: “Though many different life situations and people do have an influence on us, choosing to work with a life coach means that you are taking full responsibility of your life. This frees up the energy caught up in past disappointments, resentments, and bitterness. Furthermore, as you learn how to create a life you desire and see actual results, you will develop a greater appreciation for those around you. Your positive energy will influence how you relate to your loved ones.”

4. You have a great lifestyle – but what about a great life?

The term “quality of life” has become overused in the past few years, but the trend of seeking to create a much better life is accelerating. In fact, people are re-examining what they had assumed a good life was (married, two kids, nice car, secure job, four weeks’ holiday a year) and are now creating their own life, often breaking the rules and flying in the face of conventional wisdom in the process. Coaches are trained in the “life design” process and will have already made the kind of design changes in their lives that their clients are just now beginning to make.

5. You’re happy – end of story

Why on earth do you need a life coach if you’re already happy? Because it’s the perfect time for a life coach. When you’re happy, and you love where you are, you’re more likely to be open to growth. You’re more likely to wonder what else is out there for you to reach out and grab, and you’re more willing to do the work required to get it. Being happy can be the greatest motivator of all.

If you are fascinated by understanding people and helping them move forward, or you simply want to do something more fulfilling in your own life, consider studying at SACAP. The South African College of Applied Psychology offers a number of specialised coaching courses, from an introductory Coach Practitioner Programme to a full-blown Postgraduate Diploma in Coaching. For more information, enquire now.

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