The Value Of Life Skills Specialists In Schools - SACAP Events


Thursday, 27 October 2022
18:00 - 19:30
The Value of Life Skills Specialists in Schools - SACAP

SACAP has launched an inaugural Postgraduate Certificate in Education that aims to equip graduates to becomes Life Skills Specialists within the context of South African education.

We take a deep dive into the need for Life Orientation teachers and Guidance Counsellors with some of South Africa’s most proficient specialists within this discipline.

Life Skills Specialists

Marjorie Twigg has 32 years of experience as a teacher, guidance counsellor, Departmental Head, Senior Education Specialist, National Chief Examiner and Moderator for Life Orientation. She will discuss the critical need for Life Orientation specialists and the value of this core subject in South African schools.

Jacques Viljoen, a registered Educational Psychologist by profession, a lecturer at SACAP and SACAP Global, and an educationalist at heart, elaborates on the need for Lay Counsellors and Guidance Counsellors in schools. In addition, Jacques will reflect on Online Counselling and Guidance as a novel modality within a challenging, divided, volatile and contradictory world.

The Programme Head of SACAP’s PGCE, Dr Rajandran Naidoo, will outline the Guidance and Counselling training that qualifies SACAP’s PGCE graduates as lay counsellors with the skills needed to address the lack of skilled Life Orientation Specialists within South African schools.

Lastly, we will host a live Q&A with our speakers where you can ask burning questions about the education and training for future professionals in this discipline.

Join us

Join us on Thursday, 27 October 2022 at 18:00 as we elaborate on the need for Life Skills Specialists in South African schools.

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