Ready Or Not - Here Comes My Career! - SACAP
Management & Leadership

Ready or Not – Here Comes My Career!

Apr 24, 2024
Reading time: 5 min
Young man going to a job interview after receiving career advice
Mobile Curve
Mobile Curve

Dear Graduate, 
Congratulations on your degree! You are now well prepared for our job openings. However, we regret to inform you that you are not necessarily ready to work in the real world. We recommend seeking some career advice before you start applying for work. 

Good Luck! 
Your Future Employers 

Being Educated vs Being Employable

According to studies, fewer than half of graduating students feel prepared for their professional careers when they’ve finished studying. Equally concerning, is that studies also reveal that two thirds of business leaders feel that recent graduates are not ready for careers. In fact, their unpreparedness is seen to be a risk that could harm the prospects of their company. 

Business Coaches insist that employers are looking for new hires with the know-how as well as soft skills. Both of which are necessary to be employable and fit into a company’s culture. Luckily there are ways that you can better prepare yourself to graduate as someone who is also employable. Here are 6 career advice tips to help you get onto your chosen career path after you graduate. 

1. Look Before You Leap

There are many things that can sway you towards studying something. Ahead of making a choice, you need to know why you want to study what you are thinking of and why you want to work in that particular field. External pressure from family, friends and even learning institutions need to be factored out. Your own interests, skills and strengths, therefore your inner passion, must drive your final decision.  

2. Roll up Your Sleeves

How well you convey your willingness to work hard, can determine if you get the job you are interviewing for. Less than 10% of the students surveyed by a Bentley University study believed that this trait made them career ready. However, in contrast, work ethic as an indicator of employability ranked high amongst business decision-makers and corporate recruiters. 

The reality is that while your degree may get you an interview, it’s not enough to land a job. Employers are not only looking for what you know, they want to know what you can and are willing to do. Thus, it really is simple – are you willing to give your all? And ensure that you are always on top of things? 

3. Adjust Your Attitude

The vast majority of employers aren’t asking an applicant if they have mastered their company’s systems. Rather they ask:  

  • Does this person exude professionalism? 
  • Are they excited about the company? 
  • Are they confident? 
  • Do they crave challenges? 
  • Will they be self-motivated and can they take initiative? 
  • Do they have the potential to become an asset to the company? 

Ultimately, a successful applicant starts with an outstretched handshake and has prepared ahead for their interview. Thereby, they can convey their enthusiasm to work for the company. As well as link their skillset and tenacity to the job requirements. Furthermore, in doing this they confirm to the interviewer that they will successfully fit into the company’s culture. 

4. Gain Real-World Experience

The real-life experience, which most employers want, isn’t gained through studying. It is learnt and developed by working part-time, through internships, doing volunteer work and participating in campus activities. Additionally, by approaching your classes as if they’re part of a job, you can develop professional behaviours. One way to do this is to use your class time to work on making good genuine impressions of yourself. You can do this by dressing professionally, using positive body language, being enthusiastic in class and prioritising attendance. As well as submitting assignments on time and getting involved in class discussions.  Essentially, you are practising how to put your best foot forward, be a good colleague and self-motivate yourself to work hard. 

5. Learn to Love the Challenge

Learning through challenges builds both confidence and skills. Being willing to learn is something that is highly valued within the business community. Thus, showing commitment to lifelong learning, through a tough course or a demanding extramural pursuit, is a key personal trait. So much so that some business coaches maintain challenging oneself is more important than graduating top of your class! They insist that employers will always value a person who is willing to tackle challenges head-on. 

6. Be Prepared for Reality

Applying for jobs takes time and effort. And while you need to submit your CV timeously, a response could take a while to get. It is also good to be aware that some companies only contact those they wish to extend an interview to. If this is the case then, usually, they will include an if-successful-hear-by-date on the job advert. Which means, during your job search it could feel like you are sending your CV into a bottomless, dark pit. Given that unemployment is high, you need to keep applying even if you feel discouraged. Moreover, you need to apply for as many jobs that fit where you need to be. And it may mean you need to work somewhere else while you search for something in your line of training. It is also never too late to get additional career advice. 

While a good education is certainly a step in the right direction, that piece of paper is not where it ends. Use your formative study years to grow outside the lecture hall. From early career planning to helpful internships and part-time jobs. Seek career advice as you go along. Your focus should be on becoming a well-rounded graduate. One that has an eye on the future and real-life experience under their belt. 

Advance Your Career

Are you interested in taking the first step towards career advancement? Studying coaching at SACAP can help you develop the skills you need to progress in the business world. It will also enable you to help others to do the same. There is an ever-increasing demand for well-trained coaches. SACAP has over 15 years of experience in running a range of coaching courses. Courses are accredited by the ICF and approved with COMENSA. Apply online today 

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